Thank you for joining us for the 2023 Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony!
The City of Miami Beach would like to congratulate the eight 2023 Miami Beach Hall of Fame inductees: Muhammad Ali, Judy Drucker, Russell Galbut, Seymour and Edith Gelber, Jerry Libbin, Nancy Liebman, Mark Samuelian, and Michael Tilson Thomas.
It is also with great honor and pleasure that we congratulate the 2023 City of Miami Beach Hall of Fame nominees. Please find the list of nominees as follows:
Hall of Fame 2023 Nominees in Alphabetical Order:
Nominee | Nominated by: |
1. Muhammad Ali | Christopher Lee |
2. Ray Breslin | Prakash Kumar and Debi Quade |
3. Sabrina Cohen | Charlotte Libov, Rosa Betancourt |
4. Frank and Marian Del Vecchio | Jean Dasburg Jacobson |
5. Judy Drucker | Dr. Lynette Long |
6. Russell William Galbut | Pamela D. Brumer |
7. Seymour and Edith Gelber | Barbara Gelber and Judy Gelber |
8. Susana Gimenez | Gustavo Briand |
9. DeAnne Connolly Graham | Mirielle Enlow and Amani Ayers |
10. Jerry Libbin | Jorge M Gonzalez |
11. Nancy Liebman | Merle Shama |
12. Mathieu Massa | Morgane Allibert |
13. George Neary | Hannah Baumgarten, Grisette Roque Marcos, Linda Borst Kolko |
14. Bruce Orosz | Paul Lardi |
15. Silvia Parra | Jesus Pacheco |
16. Mark Samuelian | Mohammed Islam, Susanna Purucker |
17. Bruce Scheinberg | Mohammed Islam |
18. Ronald W Shane | Elaine Roden |
19. Stewart Stewart | Dena Stewart |
20. Michael Tilson Thomas | Marci Falvey | 21. Barbara Walters | Joseph Magazine | 22. Dona Zemo | Lori Bakkum |
The City of Miami Beach Hall of Fame was established in 2018 to recognize remarkable individuals that have made a lasting and significant impact on Miami Beach. Nominations for the 2023 Hall of Fame were be accepted from Feb. 15 through 5 p.m. on May 1, 2023. (Applications were extended through 4 PM on Wednesday, May 17, 2023) Eligible individuals must have been either born in Miami Beach, made Miami Beach their place of residence or business and/or had a positive and lasting impact on the community.
Nominees have been considered based on distinguished achievements in the arts, architecture, design, science, athletics, business, community leadership and family legacy. Nominees must be well known in their field of expertise and recognized as leaders. They may be living or deceased.
Past inductees include Michael Aller, former Mayor Matti Bower, Norman Braman, Barbara Capitman, Emilio and Gloria Estefan, Tony Goldman, Jorge M. Gonzalez, Morris Lapidus, Dr. Solomon “Sol” Lichter, Stephen Muss and Mitchell “Micky” Wolfson. The 2023 Hall of Fame inductees will be honored with a plaque at the south concourse wall of the Miami Beach Convention Center listing their accomplishments and a special ceremony to celebrate their achievements.
The City would also like to acknowledge the service of the 2023 Hall of Fame Selection Committee:
- Robin Jacobs, Chair
- Ceci Velasco, Vice-Chair
- Mayor Matti Bower
- Lizette Lopez
- Jo Manning
- David Nguah
- Jeffrey Rynor
- David Sexton
- Randy Weisburd
If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact the Tourism and Culture Department at 305.673.7577 or send an email to HallOfFame@miamibeachfl.gov
City of Miami Beach Hall of Fame
Department of Tourism and Culture
1755 Meridian Avenue, 5th Floor, Miami Beach, FL 33139
El proceso de nominaciones al Salón de la Fama está cerrado.
El Salón de la Fama de la Ciudad de Miami Beach se estableció en 2018 para reconocer a personas notables que han tenido un impacto duradero y significativo en Miami Beach. Las nominaciones para el Salón de la Fama 2023 se aceptarán desde el 15 de febrero hasta las 5 p.m. del 1 de mayo de 2023. (Las solicitudes se han extendido hasta las 4 PM del miércoles 17 de mayo de 2023) Las personas elegibles deben haber nacido en Miami Beach, haber hecho de Miami Beach su lugar de residencia o negocio y / o haber tenido un impacto positivo y duradero en la comunidad.
Los nominados serán considerados en base a logros distinguidos en las artes, arquitectura, diseño, ciencia, atletismo, negocios, liderazgo comunitario y legado familiar. Los nominados deben ser bien conocidos en su campo de especialización y reconocidos como líderes. Pueden estar vivos o fallecidos.
Los miembros anteriores incluyen a Michael Aller, la ex alcalde Matti Bower, Norman Braman, Barbara Capitman, Emilio y Gloria Estefan, Tony Goldman, Jorge M. González, Morris Lapidus, el Dr. Solomon "Sol" Lichter, Stephen Muss y Mitchell "Micky" Wolfson. Los miembros del Salón de la Fama 2023 serán honrados con una placa en la pared del vestíbulo sur del Centro de Convenciones de Miami Beach que enumera sus logros y una ceremonia especial para celebrar sus logros.
Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre este proceso, comuníquese con el Departamento de Turismo y Cultura al 305.673.7577 o envíe un correo electrónico a HallOfFame@miamibeachfl.gov
Salón de la Fama de la Ciudad de Miami Beach
- Departamento de Turismo y Cultura
1755 Meridian Avenue, 5th Floor, Miami Beach, FL 33139